Eliza B. Well Invites you to Join

Abundance: A 15 day practice

A Practice to step more fully into abundance of mind, body, and soul 

We begin May 22, 2024 @ 8am CDT


Devotion, discipline, and daily practice are often things that we struggle with. We get caught up in the busyness of our daily lives and we get pulled away from the peace and presence that we yearn for.


The thing is, through devotional practice, we come home to ourselves, and when we come home to ourselves, we get to experience more of ourselves...

When we experience more of ourselves, we get to experience more of the world around us.  We get to show up in the way we want to. In a truly abundant and loving way.

By combining a collection of modalities with years of experience as a somatic psychotherapist and coach, I'm going to guide you through two weeks that will transform the way you: think, feel, breathe, process, and show up in your life. 

The practice will help you step more fully into the abundance of live that you deserve and are capable of feeling.


"What a gift. I just want to say thank you. This is more than just 30 minutes for 15 days. This is truly life changing." 

Love from a past participant

Science, Spirituality, and Somatic Work to Guide you Back into Alignment

We can't experience life fully if we shut down certain aspects of our Selves. Inside our 15 day practice, we will reawaken aspects of our Selves that have been dormant, uninspired, or maybe even slightly (or not so slightly) depressed. You will bring life for energy to these parts to refuel and reignite all of who you are so that you can feel empowered and capable of enjoying life and ALL it's experiences. 

There will be things you learn and experience for the first time throughout this practice, and there will be concepts that might feel familiar to you and your body. Like a homecoming. I invite you into our 15 day practice with an open heart and mind, knowing that the more you connect with your Self, them ore you will be able to embrace the full spectrum of your human experience. 

We begin Wednesday, May 15th @ 8am CDT


*included live guided classes and recordings 

This 15 day practice includes:


15 consecutive days of a 30-minute devotional kundalini yoga practice guided live on zoom*


An intentional breath sequence, movement practice, and mantra that you will repeat and deepen throughout the practice


Education and extra guidance throughout to support you in further embodiment of the practice 


A workbook PDF with education on kundalini as a practice, journal prompts, and more


Discussion threads through The All Parts community online platform to connect with and support others on the journey with you


Access to all recordings if you can't join the daily live zooms. You'll have access until the next practice begins for 30+ days of guided practice


Daily live sessions will begin at 6am PST/8am CST/9am EST

After this practice you will:

Widen your capacity to hold the complexities of the human experience

Build resilience through breathwork and movement practices that help us get back into our body so that we are better able to sit more fully in the present moment

Release old patterns and stuck energies 

Kundalini helps move stagnant energy, emotion, and thinking patterns in the body and mind so you can release what is not longer serving you and make space for no, more enlivened, ways of being

Build trust within yourself

When we connect back into our bodies, we're able to build a trusting relationship where we can better listen to ourselves in the here and now

What Past Participants are saying


“Transformative and regenerative. Simply fantastic!”


“Powerful. It has definitely given me a new appreciation for the power of breathwork! I usually have trouble sticking to things in the morning but I found myself looking forward to my practice every day.” 

Simply Amazing

“I've found a more in-tune harmony with myself. Kundalini gives it's own kind of “instant gratification," but what's more powerful are the subtle shifts that feel deeper and that I've been noticing over the months since since starting the first practice I joined. Simply amazing. Thank you!"

Hi, I'm Eliza 

A Somatic psychoTherapist, Coach, and TEacher 

The practices that you will learn throughout our 15 days together have changed my life. The have supported me mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. They'll teach you, like they've taught me, compassion, grace, devotional discipline, and embodiment. 

I hold two Masters degrees and have over 5000+ hours of advanced breathwork, yoga, and somatic training. I have supported hundreds of clients around the world to reclaim their authenticity and embrace the complexities of their life experience. This practice can be a powerful complement to 1:1 therapy work or an integration practice to help hold you accountable to staying connected to your body.

Join us for an empowering, healing, and heart opening journey back to your Self